Monday, April 27, 2009

Make new words from a word

i like to play with my student. it makes them more active in class and cheer them up from routine subject. sometimes it relax me too while see their activity. this game was introduced to me by my junior high school teacher , Mrs. Meriam who said that i'm good enough for this game. :P
some days ago i introduced a new game to them. basically it asked them to create new words from a long spelling word i give them. one word will got one score.
usually i divide my students into five groups. each group must have a writer and a helper. so in front of the class we only have two students from each group (believe, it doesn't reduce the noise part of their supporter).
usually i give them a word that separable, such as hopscotch (engklek)
then i check the spelling of my student first
next i let them to find words inside the words given such as hop, scotch, posh, post, etc.
each correct word they write on the blackboard will get one score which will be divided by the members to be their additional score.
have a nice try

Friday, March 13, 2009

Read Your Text, Please!!!!

i face this kind of problem with some students of mind. they are from various grade (from elementary school up to senior high school). they don't like to read a text and answer some questions base on the text, either in multiple choice or filling blanks. personally i like to read text ( i mean any text) so, i don't understand why students have difficulties with this. these are what i share to my students:

1. read the whole text. for the first time, it seems wasting your time, but believe me, by read the whole text first, you'll familiar with the words and the grammatical pattern. you'll also recognize the type of the text.

2. while scanning your text, you'll find some difficult words. underline them and find the meaning. some of my students said, "miss, all words of the text are difficult for me. what should i do?" usually I'll answer "so, underline all of them and translate them!" :P well, believe me, you'll have more than ten difficult words for the first time, later it will reduce until what you find are only that real difficult words. in fact i still do it up to now. :P

3. in english text, there are always the word "it"; "them", and other pronoun. try to find what those pronoun refers to. what subjects they replace. it helps you understand more about the text and helps you to be familiar with "it refers to ...." type of questions.

hopefully this post could help you
have a nice try

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Make Your Own Card

yup, guys. lets be creative today.
this time i wanna share a little creativity that is to make your own word card.
what you need are paper (a good one or a thick one), list of words, marker, scissors.
what you need to do?
just cut your paper in size 4 x 7 (or 10) but i usually use the size of poker card
then write the word on your list. a card for a word
i usually make word list with large font so i can cut it and put them together with paper glue
now, you have your own word card.

ok, maybe some of you will be wondering why i should take myself to do such children creativity :P
its because i tried to find such card but i couldn't find it. :P so i decided to make it by myself

have a nice try

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Vocab List untuk warm up

semua orang tahu membaca adalah cara termudah tapi paling membuat malas untuk improve our vocab. dan metode ini yang paling sering di pakai oleh para guru untuk para siswa mereka, dan trus terang itu juga yang saya lakukan.

tapi setelah satu tahun mengajar, hampir 2 tahun ini sih, aku mulai mendapati bahwa murid lebih mudah menghafal per kata. mereka sangat kesulitan untuk reading, apa lagi untuk siswa kelas 3 dan 4. (siswa kelas 5 & 6 sudah mulai bisa memahami ini). jadi saya mulai untuk memberikan warm up vocab untuk anak2 sejak tahun ajaran ini. setiap mulai bab or theme baru, saya memberikan vocab list pada mereka untuk di hafalkan baik pronunciation dan spellingnya. gak gampag awalnya, tp anak mulai terbiasa. minggu berikutnya diadakan evaluasi berapa persen kemampuan anak untuk menghafal. salah satu kesulitan metode ini adalah kadang2 anak / siswa sering tidak sabar mencatat dan meneliti catatan mereka. apakah spellingnya sudah benar, atau masih kacau beliau seperti anak tk belajar nulis. so, sebagai guru (atau ortu) ada baiknya meluangkan sedikit waktu untuk meneliti satu persatu catatan mereka.biasakan mereka membuka kamusnya untuk mengecek apa yang mereka tulis dan membiasakan mereka membaca.
keuntungan lain dari metode ini adalah, guru bisa melatih prunonciation anak untuk setiap kata sehingga meminimalkan kesalahan prunonciation yang sering dianggap remeh para (maaf) guru konvensional.

have a nice try :)

Friday, February 20, 2009

My First Teaching Blog

Yup, this is my first blog which show me as a teacher. hopefully, it will be a way to share my methode not only as a teacher of school but also a true teacher. as one of my lecturer said: "yang terpenting bukan lah menjadi guru dan membuat muridmu mendapat nilai sepuluh setiap ulangan, tetapi menjadi pendidik yang menyiapkan muridmu untuk menghadapi masalah yang sebenarnya. setidaknya membuat mereka belajar menghadapi masalah"